SOOPLE partners


While working methods are undergoing a major transformation, companies have retained a model and modes of governance that date back to the early 20th century. Holaspirit provides organizations with a software solution to enable them to describe their business model using the principle of agile: transparency, iteration and collaboration.

Holaspirit allows you to:
– To have at all times an accurate representation of the organization in the form of circles and roles and to identify “who does what” in a clear way
– Implement shared or distributed governance across all roles of the organization
– Develop collaboration and improve performance through additional task and project management applications

Founded in 2016, holaspirit has been adopted by more than 400 organizations in 30 countries including De Volksbank, Boldare, Eco-Counter, Enedis, Hypoport, KPN, Swiss Post, Liip, Novotel, SBB, Tochka, XSolve, etc.

More information:

Wie zet jij op één?

De meeste werkgevers deugen, juist in tijden van corona. Jammer genoeg gaat te veel media-aandacht naar bedrijven die zich momenteel amoreel gedragen en daarom hebben we dit open platform opgericht.  Voor werkgevers die wél solidair zijn richting hun werknemers en samen oplossingen zoeken, ook met hun leveranciers en klanten, om ontslagen zoveel mogelijk te vermijden. Dus verhef je stem, zet je bedrijfslogo op dit platform en plak de #PeopleFirst sticker op je eigen website!

Meer info: https://wiezetjijopeen?


SOOPLE is partner van de Hanzehogeschool

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